Nichiban Stepty P 壓縮敷料 4x12cm 非常適合在移除橈動脈或足背動脈中的留置針後使用壓力固定來阻止血液流動。
醫療器械通報號 40B2X00015131140
醫療用品 (4) 骨科器械
JMDN 代碼 34864000
- 輕柔有效地對皮膚加壓的護墊。
- 具有增強壓力和安全性的板材。
- 可向各個方向拉伸並承受足夠壓力的膠帶。
- 粘貼時間標籤以防止長時間使用產品。
- 節省時間並減少治療和護理的工作量。
- 每條膠帶都經過單獨消毒 眼壓 包裝前。
- 通常用於動脈段,大約 14-18 號(平均)
*有很多方法可以使用我們的穿刺保護。 - 日本製造,品質值得信賴。
- 背襯:聚氨酯無紡布
膠粘劑:亞克力膠 - 目標:A線(手術室), PTCA (干預組)
Nichiban Stepty P 壓縮敷料|30/盒
Nichiban - The Tape Company We have been loved by customers for over 100 years and have been drawing close to people all over the world. Nichiban respects people's cooperative relationships and strives to foster prosperity and happiness for all stakeholders of the Nichiban Group, and we continuously strive to contribute to the comfort of people's lives through value-added technologies in the field adhesives, which is its base of expertise.
- >HK$499 Free Shipping for all online purchases (within 3-5 working days after payment is confirmed)
- Medical consumables are not returnable due to hygiene reasons
- Damaged goods* during delivery are eligible for exchange (Please contact Customer Service Dept. within 3 working days after receiving goods)
- * Please refer to terms and conditions for latest policies
- >HK$499 網上購物免運費,確認付款後3-5工作天內送貨
- 基於衛生理由,醫療耗材、醫療用品不設退貨
- 在運送期間損耗貨物*可兌換 (請於收貨後三個工作天內與客務服務部聯繫)
- * 請參考條款及細則