N Med 一次性嘔吐袋設計用於容納嘔吐物和廢物。這些袋子非常適合旅行暈車、消化、噁心等情況。袋子具有測量 Oz 和 CC/ML 的刻度標記,可容納超過 1000 cc/ml。這些袋子配有一個塑膠環,使用完袋子後,可以使用塑膠環把袋子扭轉封閉,有助於避免接觸嘔吐物和異味。
Product Specification
- Product name: Disposable Emesis Bag - Vomit Bag 1L
- Brand: N Medical
- Size: 1L 36Oz markings
- Sterilization: None
- Colors: Blue, White
- SKU: NM-VB10
N Med 一次性塑料嘔吐袋 1L 36oz. | 10 個/包
- >HK$499 Free Shipping for all online purchases (within 3-5 working days after payment is confirmed)
- Medical consumables are not returnable due to hygiene reasons
- Damaged goods* during delivery are eligible for exchange (Please contact Customer Service Dept. within 3 working days after receiving goods)
- * Please refer to terms and conditions for latest policies
- >HK$499 網上購物免運費,確認付款後3-5工作天內送貨
- 基於衛生理由,醫療耗材、醫療用品不設退貨
- 在運送期間損耗貨物*可兌換 (請於收貨後三個工作天內與客務服務部聯繫)
- * 請參考條款及細則